Sunday, August 4, 2024

Adjective Clause Exercise

Fill in the blank space using the following words:

- "who", "whom", "whose", and "which"

1. The teacher ___ inspired me is retiring next year.

2. The book ___ I borrowed from the library was fascinating.

3. The artist ___ painting was displayed won an award.

4. The person ___ you met yesterday is my cousin.

5. The house ___ we stayed in last summer is for sale.

6. The doctor ___ I consulted was very helpful.

7. The car ___ engine is broken needs to be repaired.

8. The woman ___ you see over there is my aunt.

9. The movie ___ we watched last night was amazing.

10. The boy ___ bike was stolen is very upset.

11. The friend ___ helped me with my homework is very kind.

12. The company ___ products are eco-friendly is very popular.

13. The singer ___ performed at the concert is famous.

14. The dog ___ I found in the park was very friendly.

15. The letter ___ you wrote to me was very touching.

16. The chef ___ restaurant we visited is well-known.

17. The athlete ___ broke the record is very talented.

18. The tree ___ leaves are turning red is an oak.

19. The musician ___ you admire is coming to our town.

20. The book ___ cover is torn belongs to my brother.

21. The girl ___ won the contest is very happy.

22. The cat ___ I adopted last week is very playful.

23. The project ___ we worked on was a great success.

24. The boy ___ mother is a teacher is in my class.

25. The movie ___ we are going to see is a comedy.

26. The writer ___ novel became a bestseller lives nearby.

27. The cake ___ you baked was delicious.

28. The teacher ___ class I am in is very strict.

29. The student ___ you helped is very grateful.

30. The car ___ I saw in the parking lot is yours.

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