Friday, August 23, 2024

Auxiliary verb Exercise 01

 Fill-in-the gap  using the words:

"am, is, are, was, were" and "do, does, did":

1. She ___ very happy today.

2. They ___ going to the park tomorrow.

3. I ___ not sure about the answer.

4. We ___ at the museum last weekend.

5. The dog ___ barking loudly last night.

6. He ___ the best player on the team.

7. The books ___ on the shelf.

8. I ___ excited about the trip next week.

9. The children ___ playing outside right now.

10. This ___ my favorite movie when I was younger.

11. You ___ always so helpful.

12. They ___ not at home yesterday.

13. The cake ___ delicious.

14. I ___ going to the store now.

15. We ___ late for the meeting.

16. My friends ___ coming over later.

17. The weather ___ very cold last winter.

18. The doors ___ locked at night.

19. She ___ a teacher at this school.

20. The students ___ studying for the test.

21. ___ you like ice cream?

22. What ___ she do yesterday?

23. ___ they know the answer?

24. Why ___ he go there?

25. ___ you understand the question?

26. ___ it make sense?

27. What time ___ the movie start?

28. Why ___ we have to leave so early?

29. ___ they finish their homework?

30. How often ___ you exercise?

31. What ___ he say?

32. Where ___ she live?

33. ___ you hear that noise?

34. Why ___ she cry?

35. ___ the teacher explain the lesson?

36. How ___ they solve the problem?

37. ___ you remember his name?

38. ___ she know the way to the station?

39. Why ___ it take so long?

40. ___ the car start this morning?

41. ___ you want to come with us?

42. ___ the bus arrive on time?

43. How ___ he get to work?

44. ___ you need any help?

45. Where ___ they go on vacation?

46. ___ she work here?

47. ___ he finish the project?

48. ___ the kids clean their room?

49. ___ we need to bring anything?

50. ___ you think it will rain today?

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