Friday, August 23, 2024

Auxiliary Verb Exercise 02

Fill in the gap using "am, is, are, was, were" and "do, does, did" in the following paragraphs:

Paragraph 1:

Yesterday, I went to the park with my friends. It ___ a sunny day, and we ___ excited to play outside. We ___ running around when we saw a dog that ___ lost. The dog ___ wearing a red collar, and we wondered who its owner ___ . We ___ not sure what to do, so we decided to look for the owner. ___ you think we found the owner?

Paragraph 2:

My family and I ___ planning a trip to the beach next weekend. Everyone ___ excited because it ___ our first time going there. My brother ___ already packed his suitcase, but I ___ still trying to decide what to bring. My mom ___ making a list of things we need, and my dad ___ checking the car to make sure it ___ ready for the trip. ___ you think we ___ going to have a good time?

Paragraph 3:

Last night, there ___ a big storm in our town. The wind ___ so strong that it knocked down some trees. We ___ all inside the house when it started raining. My little sister ___ scared because of the thunder. ___ you hear the storm too? After the storm passed, we ___ relieved, but the power ___ still out. My dad ___ lighting some candles so we could see. ___ your family ___ okay during the storm?

Paragraph 4:

Every morning, I ___ wake up early to go jogging. ___ you wake up early too? It ___ a good way to start the day, and I feel more energetic afterward. My friend ___ always joining me, but today she ___ not able to come because she ___ feeling sick. I ___ going to check on her later. After jogging, I ___ usually hungry, so I eat a big breakfast. What ___ you usually eat for breakfast?

Paragraph 5:

My school ___ organizing a talent show next month. ___ your school ever have a talent show? Everyone ___ excited to participate. I ___ planning to sing a song, and my friends ___ going to perform a dance. Last year, the show ___ a huge success, and many students ___ involved. Our teacher ___ very supportive and helped us prepare. ___ you think I ___ ready for the show?

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